A Bioenergetic Approach to Psychology and Wellness
You’ve probably heard the word “holistic,” but what does “bio-energetic” mean?
The path to well-being encompasses many different things. We are complex individuals who each have biological/physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and other energetic aspects of our being.
The various parts of ourselves weave together in diverse ways like a unique and beautiful tapestry that make us who we are. Healing must occur in all areas for us to evolve into our best or highest self.
When we work together, my goal is to help you learn how to take care of every aspect of who you are.
Parts of you have been hurt and mistreated for far too long. Sometimes it is other people who have hurt our hearts, leaving behind emotional and mental pain. Sometimes we hurt ourselves by saying and thinking mean and negative things about ourselves.
And sometimes, illness and other things like work conditions drain our energy and life force. This can lead to feeling disconnected, exhausted, frustrated, and confused.
But it does not have to continue being this way.
I use a combination of traditional clinical psychology and other nontraditional techniques to help you make positive changes and learn to let go of the things that hold you back.

Who is Dr. Laird?
I have always loved listening to people. I love watching the spark in people’s eyes when they make a new discovery or get inspired. I learn something from every person who enters my office, and that is why I view therapy as a collaborative and reciprocal process.
My holistic approach to therapy integrates traditional talk therapy with other mind-body integration methods, such as meditation, breathing techniques, music, yoga, and more. Wellbeing arises from addressing whole person—not just your thoughts, your emotions, or your body.
With more than 25 years of experience in the mental health care field, I have been a practitioner of meditation and the healing arts for more than 20 years. I have worked in a broad variety of settings providing psychotherapy, training and consultation, and holistic health services including: crisis intervention centers, yoga studios, major corporations, inpatient psychiatric units, schools, state prisons, community mental health centers, and private practice.
My greatest strengths were learned from my family and mentors.
There would be no Laird Khepera Institute and no doctorate degree without the support and guidance of some very powerful and special people. I have learned much from my parents and my husband, and have studied with some very gifted and dynamic teachers. These are some of the most influential people in my life:
Dr. Dana “Baba Kheper Ka Ra Kamau” Dennard
Yogit Amrit Desai
Master Acharya Kathy Gibson
Master Dr. Mitchell Gibson, M.D.
In my spare time (which I generally don’t have much of, lol), I enjoy being outside in nature, dancing, and reading. You can often find me sitting in the sun with a good book, eating outside at a park, or taking classes at the dance studio.